Actor headshots that look different. London.
Actor headshots in London that look different because they are done differently.
Likely, you had the feeling before that actors headshots tend to look very similar; finding exceptions is not easy, and I would agree.
How do you differentiate yourself and get acting headshots that stand out, catching the right kind of attention? For general portrait photography check here.
Cinematographers and photographers tend to use very different lighting techniques and equipment that render very different results.
There are very good reasons for it but in my opion if you are bound to act you should be lit as you would in a set with a good DP rather than a photoshoot. Not only that, but each genre inside cinematography has a different style, think for example comedy, horror, science fiction... they all have a different look. For that reason I will ask about your actor headshots, what are the roles and genres you are going for and get a headshot as if it has already happened.
In acting you have a dedicated director, lighting and cameras are managed by different crew, in headshot photography is usually all compressed into one or two crew and less equipment.
The emotions that an image is capable of evoking trump all other technical considerations, and that is where the focus will be.
In order to get the best headshot for an actor, we are looking to evoke emotions, the pretty picture part is a by-product, not the end goal.
Choosing the right setting and the right lighting for your actor headshots.
As I am not tied down to any particular studio where the possibilities are only so many within the same setting, even including variations on lighting, we can choose the setting personalized to your needs.
It can be a particular studio that ticks the right boxes for what we are looking for in your case; it can be a place, or it can be a location at the right time of day. Lighting in studio is easier because everything is controlled; doing it outdoors or on location requires higher skill, which is what I do more of as I really enjoy a challenge.
Final considerations for your actor headshots.
Check your budget here, if you are over budget consider sharing with other actors and let me know.
Have a look on general advice on what to wear on my blog.
Just get in touch, I'd love to hear from you.